
Have you ever had a compression injury? Here’s what you need to know. 

Have you ever had a compression injury? Here’s what you need to know. 

Have you ever had a compression injury? Here’s what you need to know. 

The primary job of the nerves in our body is to send signals back and forth from our extremities through the spinal cord and to the brain. For our nervous system to function properly, our nerves must remain unimpeded and free of pressure, otherwise the signals they are sending won’t make it to their intended destination. Compression injuries occur when there has been compression to the nerve tissues. 

When any part of our nervous system becomes compressed by trauma such as blunt force or repetitive pressure on a key nerve conduit, you may experience pain, tingling or burning sensations, and a reduction in mobility, to name just a few of the common symptoms. 

The vertebrae in our spinal column typically do a very good job protecting the nerves from injury, however compression injury may occur in many unique situations such as: 

  • Blunt force trauma from an accident such as a fall or other impact that may compress the vertebrae resulting in herniated or ruptured discs, and/or swelling in the spinal column, 
  • Degenerative disease within the vertebrae putting pressure on the spinal nerves, 
  • Pressure to the nerves from a tumour or hematoma. 

Other injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome and radial tunnel syndrome cause the nerves to be narrowed due to inflammation or fluids in the nerve conduits. 

Depending on the amount of compression the symptoms of a compression injury can range from mild to severe. 

Each type of compression injury will result in feelings of pain, tingling and/or numbness to varying degrees. Spinal cord compression injuries may also cause muscle weakness and spasms, erectile dysfunction, forms of paralysis and problems with continence. In some cases it is apparent that compression injury may lead to changes to the brain’s motor cortex. 

Compression injury is one common cause of sciatica, with pain radiating from the lower back down through the hip and into the leg. Spinal compression injury may also radiate into the shoulder or arm, sometimes down as far as the hands. 

Compression injury is highly treatable, particularly if the injury is dealt with quickly. With time, it may become more difficult to address the underlying issues because the nerve pathways may become permanently damaged. 

Chiropractic treatment can be a powerful tool in treating the pain caused by compression injury. At Rice Family Chiropractic we have performed countless chiropractic adjustments to effectively help relieve pain and discomfort for our patients. We take a holistic approach to chiropractic, meaning that we take all aspects of your health into consideration when prescribing treatment: Your physical, mental and spiritual health all contribute to your overall wellness. 

If  you have any questions about compression injury or other aspects of your spinal health, please do contact us for an appointment. 

Rice Family Chiropractic
Wellness from our family to yours.
Dr. Erin and James Rice
#310-6525 204 Street
Langley, BC V2Y 3B3
604 539 0542


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