
Garlic and Onions: Essential foods for your health

Garlic and Onions: Essential foods for your health

Garlic and Onions: Essential foods for your health

It’s true that the smell of onions and garlic aren’t exactly roses to our noses, but did you know that without these essential ingredients in your diet you could be putting your family’s health at risk? These versatile veggies are rich in healthy sulfur compounds, which give them their unmistakable flavor and scent. Onions and garlic belong to the genus Allium, which derives its name from the greek word for garlic.

Garlic has been used throughout all of recorded history for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Although garlic is a native plant of Asia, today it is grown on every continent. When crushed or finely chopped it releases a powerful antibiotic and anti-fungal compound called  allicin. It also contains alliin (which is converted into allicin), ajoene, enzymes, vitamin B, minerals, and flavonoids.

When it comes to health, garlic has as much going for it as just about any other food. These potent little pods pack a punch.

Onions originated in the east as well, and have been cultivated for thousands of years. Whether you prefer red, yellow, Spanish or pearl it doesn’t really matter. Like garlic, onions contain compounds that have positive health effects.

Try out a few favourite allium-containing recipes below…

Shallot Gold:

  1. Shallots
  2. Olive Oil
  3. Sea Salt

This “vegetarian bacon bits” recipe is so simple, but has countless uses in sprucing up other dishes. Mince shallots and cook on low heat for approximately 30 minutes, until caramelized and golden in colour. Season with salt. Store in the fridge. May be added to just about any savoury dish you can concoct: Eggs, pastas, salads… even tastes great by the spoonful.

Onion Broth:

The same properties of onions that make them so useful as a poultice, make them great for aiding an upset stomach. An upset stomach is often caused by an irritant in the stomach lining.

Cut a white or yellow onion in quarters and boil half of it in a medium sauce pan. Once the onion has begun to fall apart, remove the pieces. What remains is your onion broth. If you are using this for younger children, you can add chicken bouillon to make it more palatable. Drinking a cup of this broth will typically draw the irritant out of the stomach lining. If this is a case of food poisoning or a very serious irritant, there may be additional vomiting, but it will be useful in removing the original irritant.

The Chiropractic Factor

While your Family Wellness Chiropractor has been trained to care for your spine, they recognize that a wellness lifestyle plays an integral part in the overall health of you and your family. When you eat right, exercise and maintain a healthy, wellness lifestyle, you will benefit in many ways, including a strong immune system. Adding garlic and onions to your diet is just one more step in that right direction.

Please note that it is best to make allium vegetables part of your diet, as a whole, and not depend upon supplements. While they may have some benefits, supplements typically contain varying amounts of the compounds that make garlic and onions such a beneficial part of your diet. By eating the vegetables whole, you know that you’re getting all their important healthy elements.

At Rice Family Chiropractic, we take a holistic approach to our family’s and our patient’s health. That means when we consider your health, we look at it all each of its aspects — diet, emotional wellbeing, physical well being and spiritual wellness. If you have any questions about this or any other aspects of you spinal health, please contact us.

Please note: This article is not meant to imply that the Doctor of Chiropractic treats or cures any disease.

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